Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween was so last week

With all our kids nearly (and I stress "nearly") past the age where they have to dress up for Halloween - just wait until their 1st year at university to let the good time costumes roll - there were a couple of articles here in the Big Smoke [aka "Toronto"] that seemed to stress the perils of costumes.
The first, while not per se a H'ween story, does involve a helluva costume: Man’s disguise expertly made, but performance key to deception . The man in question, a young, 20 something asian, disguised himself as a 55yr old American citizen - while en route to our fair shores, he and his older accomplice switched boarding passes on the plane -  in full prosthetic mask (see pics ) to fool Customs upon arrival in Canada. Upon being discovered, he immediately claimed refugee status....whether as a Chinese nat'l or American, not quite sure.
The scary thing is the frighteningly similar image to the young actor/thespian in the house - our oldest - who dressed up for H'ween a couple of years ago as, apparently, a 55 yr old American refugee claimant. He thought he was merely dressing up as an old man, but, seems he was in fact initiating a trend in prosthetic masked refugee claims. Now that he is trying to obtain a Green Card, maybe this will help speed up the process - he could simply claim he was nearing retirement - not too mention death - and jump the queue. 
The next story is not quite as amusing, in any sense; one of those situations where you sit back and muse, "what the hell were they thinking?" KKK Costume - wtf? I will bet most would agree that most times it is better to dress up as an old person than the Grand Wizard - actually, make that it is ALWAYS better to dress up as an old person...
Outraged witnesses say these two Halloween partygoers at the Campbellford, Ont. Legion, one wearing a Ku Klux Klan costume and leading another in blackface by a noose, won first place in the night’s costume competition.

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