Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Telling your spouse: I'm TRAINING for an Ironman

This video sums it up nicely!
I mean, those of who race Ironman, who hasn't heard themselves make excuses about not staying up past 10pm, 'cause you have to be in the pool the next morning at 5:45am; or, you have that 5 hr ride and just can't drink at dinner (except for the legendary Billy H, who had an inverse relationship of excellence: the more red wine the night before, the better he rode!); or, you must leave a party early because you have that 3 hr run is tomorrow with the guys.
And sex? C'mon - if you are working full time, and trying to actually help raise the kids in a meaningful way, and get in 18-20 hrs of training - ya, sex gets ranked a little lower on the list of priorities - seriously, the only thing you ride when training for an Ironman is your bike.
And that is why, thankfully, I now race the short stuff. As a friend of mine once noted (after quitting ironman racing for the reason just discussed...less training = more sex), "happy wife=happy life".
A simple equation.
But I still recall with a certain nostalgic fondness, the looks of incredulity of those who wonder at the early nights to bed; the 2 beer max [2? usually none!]; the "no thanks, I am watching what I eat to get to race weight" as they ponder your rail thin, pencil-neck scrawny body, counting each rib like the tongs on a zylophone; and the "ya, I have a 7 hr day tomorrow - 5 hr ride followed by a 2 hr run...", to which they reply "on a bike? and, running as in "running??" What, are you insane??".
And then, the all knowing smile you give them, because yes, you are an Ironman (and a bit whacked in the head).

see ya on the roads
Johnny Boy

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