Saturday, December 4, 2010

Crawling to glory

A runner hits the wall - what's the big deal, you ask? Well, this runner was not only running to help her team win the State Cross Country Championship, but, she was also running for her coach, who was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) 5 yrs ago. And the outcome: high school cross-country runner Holland Reynolds helped her team with the state championship by crawling across the finish line after hitting the wall and collapsing just metres from the end of the 5K race. This article in the New York Times explains how Reynolds, 16, was inspired by her coach, Jim Tracy, and her teammates. Watch a video of her finish here (scroll to 19:35) - it's epic and inspiring:
She’s certainly not the first to crawl across the finish line. Here are some other classic moments:
The classic Julie Moss video from the 1982 Ironman:
The famous 1997 Ironman World Championship crawl by Sian Welch and Wendy Ingraham:
This is another epic crawling video that again demonstrates how tough a cross-country race can be:
Finally, all I can say about this one is - don’t you sometimes wish the marathon were 42K rather than 42.2?:
*with credit to Canadian Runner
crawl on
Johnny Boy

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