Thursday, June 14, 2012

REALLY? Triathlon the HARD way...

So, short post tonite; just back from having a 4" needle jammed into my hip - twice.
But more on that later...

I did my first triathlon in 2 years last weekend - race review will be forthcoming [hell, why do today what you can put off and procrastinate for a while? haha].
But I came across these 3 photos on the weekend, and realized that I have been riding my bike all wrong!!
#1 - see above - WTF? Where do you pin your race #?? Worse, where do you stick your gel??

And the two below: these 2 guys decided that riding 90km in a Half Ironman is not quite hard enough on its own.
Rather, they decided to ride...IIN THEIR FRIGGGIN' WETSUITS.
I mean, c'mon - that has GOT to cause some friction, not too mention at a minimum some serious dehydration.
I have been swimming in the lake for a week now; ya, it is brisk (10 degrees) but at least I peel off my wetsuit to walk home!
Having said that, I do have a friend who drove over to the lake while wearing her wetsuit...I would have paid good money to see her get pulled over that morning by the "5-0" for some random traffic violation ("DWW": driving wearing wetsuit" - "Ma-am, license, registration, 1500 time". hahaha).

But these people in the photos? Stupid is as stupid does.

peace out
Johnny Boy

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